But apart from a special edition, Star Wars has been the most successful. I preferred Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which was released around the same time. I can still remember going to Leicester Square with friends to see it a few weeks after its launch. Whether they be fearful declarations or mocking quips at his many enemies, some of the best Palpatine quotes are up there with the best Star Wars quotes ever.It's Star Wars day again, and 42 years since the film that generated several sequels and prequals hit the silver screen. There have been some fantastic Palpatine quotes throughout the original trilogy, sequel trilogy, and his time in the TV shows. Updated October 30th by Rhys McGinley: Since 1983, The Emperor, also known as Sheev Palpatine and Darth Sidious, has been inducing fear in audiences and has stood as one of the franchise's greatest villains, with his words being used to make both of these things happen. Each entry stands on its own as a testament to the sheer evil that made him who he was. Updated by Derek Draven, May 4th, 2020: W e've added ten more entries into our list that showcase some of Palpatine's most wicked and diabolical quotes, for a total of 15. Palpatine has uttered more than his fair share of quotable one-liners over the years, and they span his early career as a Senator, right up to his self-installment as Emperor and beyond.

RELATED: Yoda's 10 Best Non-Movie Star Wars Quotes If there was ever a man who liked to monologue, mansplain, and give a good old-fashioned rundown of events to supposedly inept heroes, it is Palpatine (and the incredible Ian McDiarmid) who has been doing it successfully since 1980. No one can argue the fact that Emperor Palpatine is an amazing big baddie in the Star Warsfilms.